Free economic zones for the IT and tourism will be established in Pridnestrovie

03/11/15 13:59

Free economic zones for the IT and tourism will be established in Pridnestrovie

The Supreme Council endorsed the relevant Economic Development Ministry's initiative providing the improvement of the Law "About Certain State Measures Aimed to Increase the Macroeconomic, Social and Economic Stability in Pridnestrovie"

The legislative initiative evolved by the Economic Development Ministry establishes free economic zones for the tourism and recreation activities in Pridnestrovie.

"The draft also establishes free economic zones for the companies making software products and for the call-centers," the Economic Development Minister Alevtina Slinchenko commented on the bill.

The Consolidated Social Tax primary for the IT-companies and call-centers will be decreased down to 14% for them.

The deputies also agreed with the authors of the legislative initiative concerning the extension of the functioning period to 5 years for the free economic zones.

The deputies promoted the bill and adopted it in the first reading.

For the reference, the main privileges of any FEZ are the tax privileges. 5 industrial free economic zones are established in the republic today.

They are established to support the social and economic development in a certain territory, to provide the population employment, to encourage the investments into the organization and to develop the export-oriented and import-substituting production based on the innovative technologies.


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