The PMR President received a delegation of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania

03/16/19 14:06

The PMR President received a delegation of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania

Delegation that arrived to Pridnestrovie was led by Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Moldova Kestutis Kudzmanas. He has been in this post since September last year. He is for the first time in Pridnestrovie. His colleague Minister Counselor of the Lithuanian Embassy Andrei Didenko ​​has already visited the republic. He took part in events, organized for representatives of foreign ministries abroad to get acquainted with the possibilities of the Pridnestrovian economy and the new investment legislation of the PMR in summer 2018. The diplomat noted that he was impressed by the potential of Pridnestrovian industry.

Vadim Krasnoselsky, expressing gratitude for the attention to the republic, noted that the Pridnestrovian side welcomes the dialogue and constructive interaction in various spheres. The PMR President expressed confidence in the reliability of Lithuania as a partner and noted the significance of the participation of the Lithuanian side as a member of the European Union in the negotiation process between Pridnestrovie and Moldova.

Kestutis Kudzmanas noted that the Lithuanians are familiar with the situation around Pridnestrovie, understand the issues and seek to provide possible assistance. According to him, Lithuania pays increased attention to the countries of the Eastern Partnership: this is the main vector of the republic’s foreign policy. Negotiation process in the 5 + 2 format arouses interest. The Lithuanian diplomat noted its dynamics and focused on certain agreements.

The meeting focused on the prospects for bilateral Pridnestrovian-Lithuanian cooperation. Kestutis Kudzmanas noted how dynamically the Pridnestrovian economy is developing, with an emphasis on growing exports. He supposes that business is a pivotal factor in relations between states. The Ambassador noted that Lithuania is looking for new forms and platforms for interaction. He called the Lithuanian economy one of the most actively developing in the European Union, noting its good geographical position. He drew attention to the fact that Pridnestrovie is also at the crossroads of trade routes.

They told about sports. Lithuanian guests told that they are familiar in their homeland with the achievements of Pridnestrovian athletes. Kestutis Kudzmanas called sport and culture the universal language of communication. He became interested in the history of the fortress of Bendery, noting the historical links of Pridnestrovian region with the Lithuania. The interlocutors mentioned the fact that this land has always been the intersection of trade and transport flows.

The participants of the meeting exchanged views on the whole range of issues of interest, outlined the prospects for further cooperation, denoting mutual interest in strengthening and developing bilateral contacts.


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