Meeting of the President with heads of state administrations

08/29/23 11:25

Meeting of the President with heads of state administrations

The President Vadim Krasnoselsky held a video conference with the heads of state administrations of towns and regions. The meeting was attended by the Government Chairman Alexander Rosenberg and the Supreme Council Chairman Alexander Korshunov. The main topic of discussion is preparation for the academic year beginning and the Republic Day celebration.

In general, all educational institutions of the republic are ready to start the working process. The President noted that all schools that have not yet been overhauled at the expense of the Capital Investment Fund program have one general remark. We are talking about the absence of fire alarms, the repair of catering units, sanitary conveniences and gyms. Vadim Krasnoselsky directed the heads of state administrations to first of all pay attention to solving these problems when including objects in the program of the Capital Investment Fund.

Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that all schools in the republic are switching to a five-day education system from the new academic year. Only the 11th grades of gymnasiums and lyceums will continue to study on Saturday. The President recommended that the heads of cities and districts take this issue under personal control. Vadim Krasnoselsky urged to keep childhood and health of children, giving them the opportunity to additionally engage in sports and creativity, as a harmonious personality develops in this way.

The heads of state administrations reported to the President on the preparations for the Day of the Republic. A rich holiday program is planned. Farmsteads will unfold not only in the capital, but also in all other cities this year. The festivities will take place all day. The event will end with fireworks. The head of Tiraspol Oleg Dovgopol emphasized that the decoration of the capital for the holiday has almost been completed. The head of Kamenka Vladimir Bychkov said that voluntary Saturday work was held in the district on the eve of the Day of the Republic. More than 2 thousand people took part in it.

The President expressed confidence that Pridnestrovians would be able to have a good rest during the holidays, recalling that September 4 would be an additional day off.

The President informed at the end of the meeting about the holding of meetings on the 2024 budget next week and the preparation of the republic for the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.


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