The President was informed about the situation in the towns and districts of the republic

02/20/23 12:26

The President was informed about the situation in the towns and districts of the republic

The President held traditional for the beginning of the working week meeting with the heads of state authorities and local government. The heads of state administrations reported on the current state of affairs on the ground. The situation is regular everywhere. Social obligations are fulfilled in a timely manner. Municipal budgets and development programs have been adopted. Competitive procedures have started among the participants of auctions for the performance of various types of work.

Coronavirus cases are on the rise everywhere. The epidemiological situation in relation to acute respiratory viral infections is difficult.

The heads of cities and regions spoke about the mass cultural and public events held last week. Special attention was paid to the 34th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan in all settlements. An important event this week is Defender of the Fatherland Day. The celebration involves the obligatory holding of rallies and flower-laying ceremonies at the monuments. The country's leadership will honor the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland at the Tiraspol Memorial of Glory this day. The upcoming week is considered Maslenitsa (Pancake Week) by the Slavs. Thematic events will be held in different towns and villages. The most massive Pancake Week festivals are expected on Sunday in Tiraspol. The holiday will be organized in the Catherine Park. The Suvorov Square shut down is not expected. Farewell to Maslenitsa is organized in the central part of the city in Bendery.

Pridnestrovians are waiting for a long weekend this week. One of the pastime options is a visit to the ice rink. The past week showed an increased interest in skiing not only among the Tiraspol residents (8300 visits in seven days). Waiting in line is problematic for visitors from other settlements. Therefore, it was decided that residents of Kamenka and Rybnitsa will be invited to the rink as a matter of priority upon presentation of a passport with a residence permit on the 23rd of February, Dubossary and Grigoriopol on the 24th of February, Bendery on the 25th of February, outdoor enthusiasts from Slobodzeya and Dnestrovsk on the 26th of February. In addition, the session time interval was changed. Practice has shown that a two-hour stay on the ice is superfluous. The skating session is exactly an hour now. Another 30 minutes are allotted for changing the shoes by visitors and putting the ice sheet in order at the same time. Oleg Dovgopol said that attention to the sports and entertainment facility is growing among hockey players. There are more and more teams. In addition, negotiations are underway with figure skating coaches.

Discussing infrastructure plans, the meeting participants raised the issue of inconsistency in the schedules for road works and repair of utilities located underground. The condition of water supply and sanitation systems in many areas where the roadway is planned to be repaired is unsatisfactory. For example, only one out of five streets can start replacing the road surface for this reason in Bendery. It will take at least 10 million rubles and time to replace networks along the water utility line, of course. There was a proposal to revise the plans and schedules. It may be advisable to revise the content of the Capital Investment Fund 2023. It makes sense to first allocate funds from the Capital Investment Fund for the modernization of underground engineering networks, and only after planning road and landscaping work, the meeting participants noted. The road from Karl Liebknecht to the intersection with Mira Street in Tiraspol will be repaired this year. This is an investment project of the Sheriff Company. The communication system will also have to be promptly replaced prior to its implementation. It makes 8 million rubles. Additional meetings and working meetings dedicated to this issue will be held on behalf of the President. The topic of tariff changes observed by the residents of the republic requires additional discussion. We are talking about the cost of maintaining intra-house water supply networks. The mechanism for collecting fees was updated, but the essence of the changes was not explained to citizens in a timely manner. It turned out that some aspects need to be improved.

The Head of the state administration of Tiraspol said in the course of the conference that the city continues to put in order sections along the highways. Irrigation systems are laid, so that the roadside areas are well-groomed and landscaped with high quality. The Head of Bendery, speaking about the ongoing landscaping work, mentioned that three out of 165 recently planted coniferous trees were stolen. The Head of the administration of Slobodzeya district said that the city is now paying increased attention to bringing the basements into proper condition. We have to carry out not only cleaning and repair, but also explanatory work among the population, Vasily Tishchenko noted. Broken windows in the entrances of apartment buildings are being replaced in the Rybnitsa district. The Head of Dubossary informed about the implementation of the presidential instructions, which were given during the discussion of the annual results of the district administration. For example, it was noted that measures have been taken to organize the removal of solid household waste from the villages of the region. Ruslan Chaban outlined the need to purchase three garbage trucks.

The Head of Rybnitsa will report today on the results of the activities of the state administration following the results of 2022, and the report of the Head of the Grigoriopol District is scheduled for tomorrow.


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