The results of operational activities for 2022 were summed up at the Ministry of State Security. The meeting of the Collegium of the Department was attended by the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky. Speaking with a rep

02/02/23 12:35

The results of operational activities for 2022 were summed up at the Ministry of State Security. The meeting of the Collegium of the Department was attended by the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky. Speaking with a rep

The annual results of the activities of the prosecutor's office were summed up today. The extended meeting of the Collegium was held via videoconference. The President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic took part in the discussion of the results of work and plans for the future.

The summary of reporting data was presented by the Prosecutor of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Anatoly Guretsky. It was noted that in the reporting year 2022 the prosecutor's office received 4868 appeals from citizens for consideration. 4584 were considered, 921 were satisfied. 1321 people visited the officials of the department in person. As part of general supervision activities, 2303 violations of legislative norms were identified. We are talking about the rights and freedoms of man and citizen for the most part (851 facts). In approximately equal numbers – over two hundred units – appeals related to environmental protection, the application of legislation on administrative offenses and enforcement proceedings. Such branches of supervisory activities as the economy, defense and state security, protection of the rights of minors, public administration, and the fight against corruption are also affected. Anatoly Guretsky emphasized that increased attention is paid to compliance with the legislation on citizens' appeals. Prosecutor's checks are carried out in state authorities and local self-government bodies, as well as in organizations providing communal and social services to the population. 447 violations were identified In 2022. The emphasis at the insistence of the President is on the personal involvement of leaders at all levels in the work with appeals. It is planned this year to carry out twice as many verification activities in this area, the PMR Prosecutor said.

As part of the report, Anatoly Guretsky spoke in detail, with a description of specific situations, about the results of inspections in various areas. For example, it was noted that the rights of residents undergoing training on a paid basis were violated: they did not receive wages unlike state employees and did not have the opportunity to engage in paid medical activities in their free time from residency. Cases of failure to provide workers with overalls and personal protective equipment were found in the sphere of labor legislation. Issued and sent for execution of the resolution on the recovery of accrued, but not paid wages to the employee for a total amount exceeding three million rubles. The prosecutor named the most problematic enterprises and organizations from this point of view. The pension rights of citizens were violated 33 times in the reporting period. The prosecutor's office has complaints about the activities of a number of territorial commissions for the protection of the rights of minors. Anatoly Guretsky emphasized that it is important to identify and eliminate the causes of the unfavorable situation of a particular child or family, and not to state the consequences. The prosecutor of the republic focused on violations of budget norms and legislation on administrative offenses. He spoke about work in the field of environmental protection, geology, subsoil and land use, and industrial safety. Noteworthy fact is that in the course of verification activities, the municipal responsible structures revealed only one fact of violation of legal norms requiring combating the spread of ragweed, while prosecutors recorded 12 violations for their part.

Prosecutors identified 119 illegal legal acts as part of the general supervision. 103 were canceled. 58 people were brought to disciplinary liability on the proposal of the prosecutor.

The PMR Prosecutor devoted part of his report to the supervision of the investigation, inquiry and operational-search activities, emphasizing that control over the legality of decisions made when considering applications and reports of crimes is one of the priorities of prosecutorial activities. Anatoly Guretsky gave examples from the practice of the reporting period related to inaction, red tape and the lack of proper interagency cooperation.

They discussed the state of affairs in the penitentiary system – the conditions of detention of prisoners, the exercise of their civil rights, the functioning of mechanisms for early release. It was noted that in pursuance of the presidential order, a specially created working group developed a legislative initiative that simplifies the procedure for releasing convicts from places of deprivation of liberty due to illness.

Completing a voluminous detailed report, Anatoly Guretsky focused on the interaction of the prosecutor's office with various structures and services, emphasizing the importance of systemic contacts and joint work – both in the central sector and on the ground.

After listening to the presented information, the President drew attention to the significant workload and serious responsibility assigned to the staff of the prosecutor's office (the total staff is about two hundred people).

Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on some areas that require increased prosecutorial supervision. It was about providing housing for orphans and children left without parental care, about controlling the holding of auctions as part of the implementation of the fund and other state and municipal programs, about the rational use of natural resources and land use efficiency. The President drew attention to the need to intensify the practical implementation of legislative norms designed to solve the problem of idle emergency buildings and land plots not used for their intended purpose. It was instructed to summarize and provide information on the work carried out in this part. The President will be informed about the fulfillment by economic entities of the requirement to recultivate spent quarries. The PMR President said that unscrupulous legal entities should be deprived of a license for the extraction of minerals in case of non-compliance with this norm.

Vadim Krasnoselsky in his speech touched upon the topic of parole, emphasizing that the institution of pardoning convicts should not replace the mechanisms for parole. The PMR President urged to pay due attention to the quality of preparation of relevant materials.

The President recognized the work of the PMR Prosecutor's Office as satisfactory, aiming at its effective continuation in order to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, the interests of society and the state. Vadim Krasnoselsky called for minimizing formalism in official activities and, relying on the letter of the law, to strive to help every person who applied for assistance in resolving a problem situation. Recommendation from the President: put yourself in the place of the applicant when considering complaints, appeals, questions. Another important point: when legal conflicts are discovered, prosecutors must make decisions in favor of the citizen, and in order to exclude similar situations in the future, initiate the introduction of appropriate amendments to the legislative framework. The President emphasized the personal participation of the heads of all structures, to which citizens apply for assistance, in the consideration of applications. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the importance of meeting the deadlines for studying appeals and responding accordingly. In addition, the PMR President stressed the obligation to fulfill the requirements and instructions of the prosecutor's office. It is necessary to apply to the court in case of disagreement with the prosecutor's decision. Ignoring is illegal and unacceptable, the President noted.


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