Vadim Krasnoselsky met with Dmitry Kozak

09/26/19 18:08

Vadim Krasnoselsky met with Dmitry Kozak

The meeting of Vadim Krasnoselsky with the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak took place today in the Government of Russia. The PMR Chairman of the Government Alexander Martynov, his Deputy, Minister of Economic Development Sergey Obolonik and PMR Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev accompanied the PMR President during the visit. Growing intensity of working contacts that began in June of this year was noted during the discussion. The interlocutors discussed aspects related to trade and economic cooperation, noting the growth in trade between Pridnestrovie and Russia that has been outlined in recent months. They talked about other areas of mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation.

The current situation in the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian relations and the state of the negotiation process was discussed. The meeting participants discussed the prospects of the meeting in the format of the “Permanent Conference ...” scheduled for October 8-10 in Bratislava. They focused on the problematic aspects of the negotiation agenda and the proposals of the Pridnestrovian side addressed to the intergovernmental commission.

During the working discussion, they outlined plans for further cooperation, and agreed not to interrupt the constructive dialogue in which both parties are interested.


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