06/01/19 15:17


Novosti Pridnestrovya met the tourists at the children's holiday in the capital

Tiraspol, June, 1. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Tourists from Austria visited the children's holiday in the metropolitan Pobeda park. A resident of Vienna Ain Hartz said that he and his friend had been to Pridnestrovie for the first time.

“I learned about Pridnestrovie from the Internet. I have no friends here, and no one has ever told me about this country. I saw photos on the Internet, I was interested in it a lot, I wanted to come here and see,” Ain said.

A foreign guest noted that together with his friend they had started to get acquainted with Pridnestrovie only that day. So far, they have seen little, but the main thing that they managed to notice is the goodwill of the locals.

“We like these friendly people a lot. It is really good here. I read only good things about Pridnestrovie. I can say that what I saw did not disappoint me, it's exactly as I visualized it: beautiful green land,” the Austrian guest noted.

Ain learned about the fact that the park celebrated Children's Day from our correspondent, noting that that was a good tradition. In Austria, he explained, they do not celebrate such holiday.


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