Discussion between the President and the staff of the department took place in the PMR Prosecutor's Office

05/21/19 16:39

Discussion between the President and the staff of the department took place in the PMR Prosecutor's Office

The interlocutors discussed two dozen issues in the course of the meeting initiated by the President. The topic of the conversation was not limited to the sphere of activity of prosecutors. They talked about advances in resolving the issue of the use of maternity capital in Pridnestrovie, the possibility of filing collective (departmental) applications for Russian citizenship, the prospects for organizing Pridnestrovian children’s recreation in health camps in Russia, measures to support young families, options for resolving housing issues and about the mechanism of granting privileges, guarantees and compensations to donors. The issue of organizing professional development for prosecutors was mentioned. They discussed the feasibility of reforming of advocacy. The question was raised about the imperfection of some norms of the Land Code. Participants of the meeting exchanged views on the effectiveness of the Safe City system: the benefits of its implementation are indisputable. While there are two hundred cameras functioning. There are plans to install five hundred more.

Employees of the prosecutor's office, referring to the numerous complaints of citizens of the republic, were interested in the opinion of the President regarding the current situation with free medical care. Vadim Krasnoselsky supposes that the 39th article of the PMR Constitution that guarantees health protection and free treatment in state institutions, must be maintained under any circumstances. At the same time, the President noted the fact that for many years this provision of the Basic Law, in fact, was not implemented. The whole sphere of ​​healthcare is problematic. The recent decision to change the leadership of the Ministry of Healthcare is intended to rectify the situation. The state is investing in infrastructure rehabilitation and re-equipment of medical facilities. This year, more than three dozen hospitals, clinics, and medical and obstetric centres have been included in the capital investment program. Work in this direction will continue in subsequent years. Three years are provided by the country's leadership for material and technical renewal of Pridnestrovian health care. At the same time personnel is trained and administrative mechanisms are reformatted. “Medicine in Pridnestrovie should not just be free. It should be decent and efficient”, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized.

Another topic often raised by residents of the republic is the correctness of calculating the size of the Russian pension. The Pridnestrovian prosecutor’s office cannot dispel the applicants' doubts or confirm the correctness of their opinions, since they are not conductor of Russian legislation, but they have to control the quality of work of the structures responsible for pensions in the republic, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized. In addition, the President recalled that, on his instructions, consulting bureaus were organized on the calculation and payment of Russian pensions in 2017.

Questions of political orientation are traditional for meetings of the President with citizens, and also about economic situation in the republic. The interlocutors asked the President about what is happening and what is being done for positive changes.

“Any question is important for us if it affects a person’s life. The questions that arise within the state are our life. We gathered a meeting, directed, corrected - everything works. If we are talking about improving the economy, about creating new jobs, new industries, conditions for people to come to the republic, then we are working on it, but there are external factors. As I have often said, our main goal is the recognition of statehood. We depend on foreign policy players, on geopolitical circumstances and transformations. We must be ready for recognition. If we are not democratic, transparent, if the principle of checks and balances does not work with us, if there is no independent court, then we will not achieve recognition even with a positive position of geopolitics. They do not recognize "gray" zones. When the situation is ripe and some officials will consider the issue of our recognition, they will consider the internal component: do we need external management, are we capable, do we have democracy, is the negotiation process advanced. We must influence these components. I, as the President, build the work of the organs of state power and administration in that way. And you are assistants here, as the eye of the sovereign. You should see problems, mark them in time, and together we will think about how to solve it. As for the external factor, there is a negotiation process for this. We must be negotiable, but at the same time not compliant. Cession and agreement are different things. Cession is the surrender of positions, which is absolutely unacceptable. Agreement is a movement of two parties towards. Cession is dangerous. Therefore, I say to all colleagues in the “5 + 2” format that we will not cede, we will agree. This is a big complex work of the President, the Supreme Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the media. This is a huge layer of work. The result is important for all of us”, concluded Vadim Krasnoselsky.

The President expressed gratitude to the staff of the PMR Prosecutor’s Office for the work and for the discussion, which the President called interesting and useful for himself as the head of the country.


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