Krasnoselsky: ‘The theme of Pridnestrovians participating in Russia's presidential election should not be ignored’

09/18/17 13:34

Krasnoselsky: ‘The theme of Pridnestrovians participating in Russia's presidential election should not be ignored’

The president recalled that 220,000 Russian citizens lived in Pridnestrovie
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Tiraspol, 18 September. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The chairman of the government and the head of the Supreme Council, Alexander Martynov and Alexander Scherba, summed up a working visit of the Pridnestrovian delegation to Moscow during a meeting with President Krasnoselsky, the president's press service reports.

An important topic that, according to the president, should not be ignored is the participation of Pridnestrovians in Russian electoral processes, in particular in the forthcoming presidential election.

"There are 220,000 Russian citizens and compatriots who associate themselves with the great Russia in Pridnestrovie. This is the densest settlement of Russians outside the Russian Federation," recalled Krasnoselsky. Stressing the importance of promoting this idea at various venues, the president noted the lack of awareness of Russian colleagues on many issues relevant to the Pridnestrovian reality.

Alexander Scherba confirmed this fact. "During a conversation with the chair of the State Duma committee on CIS affairs, I told him that 25% of all Russians who vote outside the Russian Federation live in Pridnestrovie. This figure was new for him. What is self-evident to us, a matter of course is unknown to Russians due to multiple domestic issues. We should keep going [to Russia], informing and reminding of us since rolling stone gathers no moss.”


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