Vitaly Ignatyev met with head of OSCE Mission to Moldova Michael Scanlan

04/12/17 18:21

Vitaly Ignatyev met with head of OSCE Mission to Moldova Michael Scanlan

Pridnestrovian side affirmed its position about absence of objective obstacles for the next regular meeting within 'Constant council…'

Tiraspol, April 12. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Foreign Affairs Minister Vitaly Ignatyev met with the head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova Michael Scanlan in the Pridnestrovie's MFA.

During the meeting, the Pridnestrovian side affirmed its position about absence of objective obstacles for the next regular meeting within 'Constant council…'.

The Foreign Ministry Press Service reports that Pridnestrovie had noted the necessity for an immediate meeting within the 5+2 format to discuss and approve the existing drafts solutions of problems in the social and humanitarian spheres.

Also during the discussion, the Pridnestrovian side expressed opinion that further dawdling on the negotiation process was inadmissible considering the fact that both Pridnestrovie, and Moldova had already declared for holding the meeting within 'Constant council…'.


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