Vadim Krasnoselsky meets Russia's ambassador at large Sergey Gubarev

04/11/17 12:09

Vadim Krasnoselsky meets Russia's ambassador at large Sergey Gubarev

The president has expressed gratitude to the diplomat for the attention Russia pays to the current situation in the negotiations with Moldova, as well as the development of bilateral contacts with Pridnestrovie

Tiraspol, 11 April. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. President Vadim Krasnoselsky has held a meeting with Russia's ambassador at large Sergey Gubarev.

Welcoming the Russian diplomat, the president expressed gratitude for the attention Russia pays to the current situation in the negotiating process with Moldova, as well as the development of bilateral contacts with Pridnestrovie.

«A lot of issues have amassed. It's time to synchronise the watches. We'd like to know your opinion, express ours, identify the problems both within Pridnestrovie and on the outer perimeter. The problems are dynamic. They develop in real time," the president's press service quotes Vadim Krasnoselsky as saying.

«I am glad to have established normal working ties with you. You often travel to Moscow. We constantly visit Pridnestrovie in different guises. Russia's deputy foreign minister Grigory Karasin has recently come here. I've come here today to jointly prepare for the awakened desire of the Austrian OSCE chairmanship to restore the regular work of the negotiating process. Indeed, there are a lot of issues to be discussed at an international venue. The bilateral format has failed to efficiently resolve them so far," said the ambassador.

«We adhere to any negotiating process. We believe that all issues should be solved at the negotiating table. Solving problems behind Tirapol's back is inadmissible. This will lead to an imbalance in the negotiating process itself. Less important issues are discussed in the «5+2» format, and those requiring prompt discussion are often solved behind the back. This is wrong. It must be clearly understood that all problems should be resolved at the negotiating table in the presence of mediators and observers," underscored Vadim Krasnoselsky.

Sergey Gubarev backed this position, recalling the efforts that have been made to establish the essential principle of equality of arms at the negotiating table.

«We can't, as much as anyone would like, reject this principle which is the cornerstone, the fundamentals of the entire negotiating process. If the principle of equality of arms is denied, it is no longer a negotiation but dictates. I don't think anyone is going to do that. I support your view that mediators and observers should address the issues of mutual concern which we can solve only through joint efforts and collective wisdom," noted the Russian diplomat.


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