Oleg Belyakov: only peacekeeping operation guarantees citizens' safety

12/11/15 12:03

Oleg Belyakov: only peacekeeping operation guarantees citizens' safety

Tiraspol, 11 December. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Only peacekeeping operation can guarantee physical safety to the citizens residing in the Security Zone and its replacement can be discussed only after a permanent settlement of the conflict, said Oleg Belyakov, Pridnestrovie's co-chair to the JCC during TV show Vovremya.Itogi.

He noted that despite the statements made by some Moldovan politicians on the necessity of transforming the operation and Moldova's political instability, the operation led by Russia has been yielding positive results over 23 years.

«We must realise there are virtually no other security guarantees. Only peacekeeping operation can provide such guarantees. We can see other peacekeeping operations taking place across the world and how many people die during them. The peacekeeping operation in the Dniester region is unique. There have been no casualties among peacekeepers and civilians in the whole post-conflict period, and, in general, the situation is kept under control," said Oleg Belyakov.

The head of the Pridnestrovian delegation underscored that the operation enjoys the broad support of the population living in the Security Zone.

«Pridnestrovians are very sensitive about the peacekeeping operation and do not want any other peacekeeping format. They feel a real protection in the person of the Russian soldier," concluded Oleg Belyakov.


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