21 artists from six countries participated in Tiras Plein-Air 2015

09/16/15 17:30

21 artists from six countries participated in Tiras Plein-Air 2015

Culture State Service sums up the results of the international art academic conference "Tiras Plein-Air 2015"

Director of the Pridnestrovie's State Art Museum Natalya Egorova told at the meeting that 21 artists from six countries participated in the symposium, i.e. from Pridnestrovie, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Poland and China. During the Tiras Plein-Air, the artists have produced 34 works: 28 of them were tableau, 5 — graphic and one work — in the decorative-applied genre (batik).

The 1st International Contest called «Pridnestrovie through the eyes of an Artist» was held within the conference for the first time. Summarizing its results, the best works about Pridnestrovie were by Igor Mosiychuk, Sergey Panov, Tatyana Shuma's (all — from Pridnestrovie), Jian Liu (China), Dmitry Zhizhin (Ukraine).

«Judges were high-class professionals; they were impartial in their assessments. A coded system was applied in the vote counting. The breakaway was rather small between the prize-winners, but the Pridnestrovie's artists showed a little better result, so as a result, they became the winners," Natalya Egorova emphasized.

The member of the Union of Pridnestrovian Artists Council, the Honored Artist of the republic Igor Mosiychuk noted that the plein-air was the best of all ever carried out.

«The today's result has been the final exhibition. The works exhibited there show that it has been one of the best conferences ever," the artist told.

In the end of the meeting, the head of the Culture State Service Maria Kyrmyz thanked all attendees for their serious approach in each focus area.

«All issues were resolved at a quite high level with maximum delicacy and respect for the guests of the conference. I am grateful to you that we've managed to organize and properly demonstrate our professional skills, but also to leave good impression of the carried-out event," Maria Kyrmyz told at the end of a meeting.