Nina Shtanski: If anyone rocks the boat, it means that someone needs it

02/10/15 12:34

Nina Shtanski: If anyone rocks the boat, it means that someone needs it

That’s how the head of Pridnestrovie’s diplomacy commented on those rumors that Russia would hang Pridnestrovie out to dry

In her view, the raised question for certain groups is something that «rocks» the situation in the republic. «It means, someone needs to disturb our society, someone wants to take advantage of this difficult situation. It’s always bad, when there’s not enough money for pensions and salaries and when we have to take unpopular measures," the Foreign Minister noted during the «Jacket and Tie» program on Radio-1.

Nina Shtanski also noted that concern about the delays of extra payments to the pensions doesn’t have any reason. This was confirmed by the Russian experts and politicians. «They reminded that delays had already occurred, but, nevertheless, it wasn’t an evidence of neglect of Pridnestrovie. The Russia’s ambassador arrived in Tiraspol and declared that Russia wouldn’t neglect Pridnestrovie and would strictly observe all the ground rules being the guarantor state. The statement of the Russian senator Konstantin Kosachyov also dots the i’s and crosses the t’s," the head of foreign policy department emphasized.

She expressed confidence that the republic’s people refer to the arising rumors with understanding. «I am sure that wise people live in Pridnestrovie who understand that someone simply needs to rock the boat," Nina Shtanski summed up.