Sergey Shirokov predicts the internal political conflict in Moldova

11/09/20 19:01

Sergey Shirokov predicts the internal political conflict in Moldova

According to the political expert, this will lead to further stagnation of the negotiation process between the Republic of Moldova and the PMR

Tiraspol, November 9. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The situation in the negotiation process between Pridnestrovie and Moldova is far from optimistic, Sergey Shirokov, the director of the Bureau of Political Studies “Mediator” noted on the air of the First Pridnestrovian TV channel.

According to the expert, a certain stagnation has been observed for the last 1.5-2 years. First of all, due to the fault of the Moldovan side, which refuses to fulfill previously obligations. At the same time, the political expert doesn’t exclude a further stagnation of the negotiations, due to the prolonged political crisis in Moldova.

“We see statements of Moldovan politicians, that after the presidential elections they are ready to leave ahead of schedule for a new parliamentary campaign. We can predict, that Moldova will plunge into another internal political conflict, chaos and mess in the next six months. It’s clear, that a negotiator isn’t authorized to make arrangements, a negotiator without a political mandate, competencies and assignments cannot implement any negotiated position. Of course, from the point of view of Pridnestrovie, we are losing our partner in negotiations,” Sergey Shirokov concluded.


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