Russian experts who arrived to participate in Pridnestrovian scientific conference were deported from Moldova

09/15/16 16:20

Russian experts who arrived to participate in Pridnestrovian scientific conference were deported from Moldova

In view of another fact of restriction of Pridnestrovie's international contacts by the Republic of Moldova, the Pridnestrovie's MFA distributed the statement
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Tiraspol, September 15. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. At the Chisinau airport today, the adviser to the director of the Primakov Foreign Policy Cooperation Center, the adviser of the Gorchakov Fund to Support Public Diplomacy Yury Zhmurko and a chairperson of Culturology and Globalistics of BSTU «Military Mechanical Institute» of D.F. Ustinov, the editor-in-chief of the Geopolitics and Safety Magazine Igor Kefeli have been detained and deported to the Russian Federation. They were going to Pridnestrovie to take part in the scientific conference, the Press Service of the Pridnestrovie's Foreign Ministry reports.

«This incident is another demarche of the Moldavian side aimed at the restriction of diplomatic, scientific and academic contacts of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. A previous similar incident took place on September 1 when the deputy foreign minister of Abkhazia Oleg Arshba was deported," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PMR notes.

The Pridnestrovie's Foreign Ministry regards this issue as the next hostile attack of the Moldovan side aimed at the international isolation of Pridnestrovie, making additional difficulties and worsening the atmosphere of bilateral relations. The Pridnestrovie's Foreign Ministry urges the mediators and the observers of the 5+2 negotiation format to provide an appropriate assessment to provocative actions of Moldova.


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