
04/09/19 17:10
The publication is based on the results of the same-name international round table in the Russian Federation Federal Chamber of Lawyers on November 21, 2017
03/14/19 14:51
Congratulations of the Head of the state on the 30 anniversary of the organization were given by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR Vitaly Ignatiev
07/09/18 17:00
A participant of the 12th International Summer Theatre School of the Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation has shared the details of his training with Novosti Pridnestrovya
03/14/18 15:25
The country is represented by Julia Shakula and Alexander Solovyov, as well as by Alexandra Barinova and Svetlana Molake
03/13/18 20:45
It is organized within the Forum “Russia – Land of opportunity”
11/21/17 13:59
It is attended by Pridnestrovian President Vadim Krasnoselsky
11/01/17 16:44
Their visit marked the 10th anniversary of bilateral cooperation
10/23/17 21:30
A government delegation, led by the prime minister, met the heads of Moscow departments to discuss the resumption of cooperation in the spheres of healthcare, public utilities and trade
10/23/17 15:06
The delegation also includes heads of ministries and agencies, Pridnestrovie's Chamber of Commerce and Industry
06/02/17 11:59
It was organised in Moscow for youth policy experts by Rosmolodezh and the International Youth Centre of Moscow
05/01/17 21:10
Passengers of the Moscow-Chisinau train became the audience of a mini-concert
04/03/17 17:39
The forum's subject is Integration Processes in the post-Soviet Countries: Problems and Prospects. Among its participants are Pridnestrovians
03/22/17 13:02
Vadim Krasnoselsky congratulated Dmitry Rogozin on this occasion